Corporate Investigations

The elimination of any current problems in the work place and the prevention of future ones is what TECLA Investigations does best. We specialize in protecting corporate assets and screening both individuals and businesses before our clients are victimized. Employee theft, fraud, misconduct, accidents and absenteeism cost corporations billions each year. Most firms that are victims either deny they are being victimized or simply give up because they do not know where to turn for help. At TECLA Investigations, we provide our corporate clients with investigations including surveillance, undercover investigations, interviews and more that get them proof needed to release the employees, provide the evidence to law enforcement to seek prosecution and to support litigation to recover the loss.  


TECLA Investigations, LLC

Texas Investigative services #A18907

Telephone: (915) 245-3640 / (915) 247-9937/ (830) 719-3597 Email:

Private Investigators – read PI Magazine, the trade publication for PI’s, private detectives, police detectives, SIU Investigators and anyone interested in learning how to become a PI.